Professor Ayaga Agula Bawah is a prominent academic and researcher in demography and population health, and currently serving as the Director of the Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS) at the University of Ghana. He holds a PhD and MA degrees in Demography from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, and MA in Population Studies from the Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana. Prior to joining RIPS, he previously served on the faculty of Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York, Director of Research at the INDEPTH Network and a Berelson Fellow at the Population Council in New York.

His research primarily addresses health and mortality dynamics in African populations, with a keen interest in child and maternal health, infectious disease mortality, and the impact of socio-economic factors on health outcomes. Professor Bawah is highly regarded for his contributions to policy-driven research that supports sustainable health interventions in Africa, particularly in communities facing high mortality rates and limited healthcare access.

Professor Bawah has published extensively in top-tier journals, where his work on mortality and health systems has made a significant impact on health research and policy formulation in Africa. In addition to his academic and research contributions, he is an active member of numerous global health and demographic research networks. Through his leadership at RIPS, he continues to guide research that informs public health strategies and policies, advancing understanding and improvement of health outcomes across African populations. 


Prof. Ayaga Agula Bawah
  • Maternal and Child Health
  • Health Systems Strengthening and Evaluation
  •  Family Planning and Reproductive Health
  • Mortality Estimation and Demographic Modeling
  1. Ramsay, M., Crampin, A. C., Bawah, A. A., Gitau, E., & Herbst, K. (2024). The Value Proposition of Coordinated Population Cohorts Across Africa. Annual review of biomedical data science, 7(1), 277–294. 
  2. Ottie-Boakye, D., Bawah, A.A., Dodoo, N.D. et al. (2024). Prevalence, perceptions and associated factors of health insurance enrollment among older persons in selected cash grant communities in Ghana: a cross-sectional mixed method. BMC Geriatrics, 24, 439 
  3. Bawah, A. A., Kyei, P. S., & Agyei-Asabere, C. (2024). Contraceptive use and method mix dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa: time trends and the influence of the HIV pandemic. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 9 (1), 1-16.  
  4. Agula, C., Bawah, A.A, Asuming, P.O., Kyei, P & Biney, A. (2024). Impact of health system strengthening interventions on child survival in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review protocol, BMC Systematic Reviews¸13(1), 15 
  5. Kushitor, M., Wright, K., Biney, A., Kanmiki, E. W., Kyei, P., Phillips, J. F., Awoonor-Williams, J. K. & Bawah, A. A. (2023). “The trip actually opened our eyes to things that we were supposed to do and we were not doing”: developing primary health care system leadership in a low-income country with peer exchanges. Research in Health Services & Regions, 2(1), 15. 
  6. Sakeah, E., Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P.O. et al. Impact of community health interventions on maternal and child health indicators in the upper east region of Ghana. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth23, 298 (2023). 
  7. MacTavish R., Bixby H., Cavanaugh A., Agyei-Mensah S, Bawah, A., Owusu G, Ezzati M, Arku R, Robinson B., A.M., Baumgartner J. (2023). Identifying deprived “slum” neighbourhoods in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area of Ghana using census and remote sensing data, World Development, Volume 167, 
  8. Sakeah, E., Bawah, A.A., Kuwolamo, I. Anyorikeya, M., Asuming, P.O., & Aborigo, R.A. (2023). How different incentives influence reported motivation and perceptions of performance in Ghanaian community-based health planning and services zones. BMC Research Notes16, 17 (2023). 
  9. Bawah A.A., Biney A.A., & Kyei P. (2022). “You can’t look at an orange and draw a banana”: using research evidence to develop relevant health policy in Ghana. Global Health: Science and Practice, 10(Supplement 1): e2100693. 
  10. Kushitor M, Henry E.G., Obeng-Dwamena A.D., Agyekum W.M., Agula C, Toprah T, Shah I & Bawah A.A. 2022. Covert Contraceptive Use amongst the urban poor in Accra, Ghana: experiences of health providers. Reproductive Health19, 205 (2022). 
  11. Tetteh, J.D., Templeton, M.R., Cavanaugh, A….. Bawah, A.A., et al. (2022)Spatial heterogeneity in drinking water sources in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana. Population and Environment44, 46–76. 
  12. Agula C, Henry E.G., Asuming P.O., Obeng-Dwamena A, Toprah T, Agyekum M.W., Shah I, & Bawah, A.A. 2022. Postpartum contraceptive initiation and use: Evidence from Accra, Ghana. Womens Health 18:17455057221141290. doi: 10.1177/17455057221141290. (corresponding author
  13. Awoonor-Williams J.K., Apanga S, Bawah, A.A., Phillips J.F., & Kachur S.P. (2022). Using Health Systems and Policy Research to Achieve Universal Health Coverage in Ghana. Global Health: Science and Practice September 2022, 10(Supplement 1):e2100763; 
  14. Tangcharoensathien, V., Sudhakar, M., Birhanu, Z., Abraham, G., Bawah, A., Kyei, P., Biney, A. ... & Panichkriangkrai, W. 2022. Health Policy and Systems Research Capacities in Ethiopia and Ghana: Findings from a Self-Assessment. Global Health: Science and Practice, 10(Supplement 1): e2100715. 
  15. Abubakari SW, Alhassan N, Adda R, Asante KP, & Bawah, A.A., 2022. Socio-economic, physical and health-related determinants of causes of death among women in the Kintampo districts of Ghana. Cogent Public Health, 9(1), 2109300. 
  16. Tetteh J.D., Templeton M.R., ... & Bawah, A.A., Arku R.E., Ezzati M., Agyei-Mensah, S. (2022). Spatial heterogeneity in drinking water sources in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana. Population and Environment, 1-31. 
  17. Agyekum MW, Henry EG, Kushitor MK, Obeng-Dwamena AD, Agula C,... & Bawah A.A. (2022). Partner support and women's contraceptive use: insight from urban poor communities in Accra, Ghana. BMC Women's Health, 22(1), 1-10. 
  18. Asuming P.O., Bawah A.A., Kanmiki EW and PhillipsJ.F. (2022). The impact of a health systems strengthening initiative on child morbidity: The case of the Ghana Essential Health Interventions Program in rural northern Ghana. PloS one, 17(6), p.e0269199. 
  19. Dovie DB, Miyittah MK, Dodor DE, Dzodzomenyo M, Christian AK, Tete‐Larb, R, ... & Bawah AA. (2022). Earth System's Gatekeeping of “One Health” Approach to Manage Climate‐Sensitive Infectious Diseases. GeoHealth, 6(4), e2021GH000543. 
  20. Asuming PO, Gaisie DA, Agula C & Bawah A.A. (2022). Impact of Covid‐19 on Maternal Health Seeking in Ghana. Journal of International Development. 
  21. Bixby H, Bennett JE, Bawah AA, et al. (2022). Quantifying within-city inequalities in child mortality across neighbourhoods in Accra, Ghana: a Bayesian spatial analysis. BMJ Open; 12: e054030.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-054030 
  22. Oduro AR, Francke J, Ansah P, Jackson EF, Wak G, Phillips JF, Haykin LA, Azongo D, Bawah AA, Welaga P, Hodgson A, Aborigo R & Heller DJ. (2021). Social and demographic correlates of cardiovascular mortality in the Kassena-Nankana districts of Ghana: a verbal post-mortem analysis, International Journal of Epidemiology, dyab244, 
  23. Agula C, Henry EG, Asuming PO, Asabare C, Kushitor M, Kanmiki E, Shah I & Bawah AA (2021). Contraception before and after abortion: trajectories of women in poor urban settings of Accra, Ghana. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 25 (6). DOI: 10.29063/ajrh2021/v25i6.3 
  24. Clark SN, Bennett JE, Arku RF, Hill AG, Fink G, Adanu RM, Biritwum RB, Bawah AA, Duda RB & Ezzati M. (2021). Small-area variations and factors associated with blood pressure and body-mass index in adult women in Accra, Ghana: Bayesian spatial analysis of a representative population survey and census data. PloS Medicine. 
  25. Agula, C., Henry, E.G., Asuming, P.O., Agyei, C., Kushitor, M., Canning, D., Shah, I, and Bawah, A.A. (2021). Methods women use for induced abortion and sources of services: insights from poor urban settlements of Accra, Ghana. BMC Women's Health21, 300 (2021). 
  26. Henry EG, Agula C, Asuming PO, Kaur N, Kruk M, Shah I, Bawah A.A., (2021). Conducting a household survey in poor urban settlements in Ghana: challenges and strategic adaptations for fieldwork.   Journal of Global Health Science. 2021 Jun;3(1):e8 (corresponding author
  27. Abubakar SW., Badasu, DM., Apraku, EA., Amenga-Etego, S., Asante, KP., Bawah, A.A., and  

Owusu-Agyei, S. (2021). A Competing Risk Analysis of Women Dying of Maternal, Infectious, or Non-Communicable Causes in the Kintampo Area of Ghana. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 

  1. Biney, AAE., Wright, KJ., Kushitor, MK. Jackson, FJ., Phillips, JF., Awoonor-Williams, JK., and 

Bawah, A.A., (2021). Being ready, willing and able: understanding the dynamics of family planning decision-making through community-based group discussions in the Northern Region, Ghana. Genus77, 1 (2021). 

  1. Henry EG, Agula C, Agyei-Asabere C, Asuming PO, Bawah A.A., Canning D and I Shah. 2021.  

Dynamics of emergency contraceptive use in Accra, Ghana. Studies in Family Planning. 

  1. Bawah, A.A., Sato, R., Asuming, P. et al. (2021). Contraceptive method use, discontinuation and failure rates among women aged 15–49 years: evidence from selected low income settings in Kumasi, Ghana. Contraception and Reproductive Medicine6, 9. 
  2. NCD Countdown 030 collaborators, Bennett JE, Kontis V, Mathers CD, Guillot M, Rehm J, Chalkidou K, Kengne A.P., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Bawah A.A., Dain K, Varghese C, Riley LM, Bonita R, Kruk ME, Beaglehole R, Ezzati, M., et al., (2020), NCD countdown 2030: pathways to achieving sustainable development goal target 3.4, The Lancet, Vol: 396, Pages: 918-934, ISSN: 0140-6736 
  3. Henry E.G., Hackett C.M., Bawah AA, Asuming P.O., Agula C, Canning D, Shah I. 2020. The impact of a personalized, community-based counselling and referral programme on modern contraceptive use in urban Ghana: a retrospective evaluation, Health Policy and Planning, 
  4. Phillips JF, Binka F, Awoonor-Williams JK and Bawah A.A. (2020). “Four decades of  

community-based primary health care development in Ghana.” In Bishai, David and Meike Schleiff. (ed) Achieving Health for All: Primary Health Care in Action. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. Achieving Health for All ( 

  1. Kweku M, Manu E , Amu H, Aku FY, Adjuik M, Tarkang EE, Komesuor J, Asalu GA, Amuna NN,  

Boateng LA, Alornyo JS, Glover R , Bawah A.A., Letsa T, Awoonor-Williams JK, Phillips JF, Gyapong JO. 2020. Volunteer responsibilities, motivations and challenges in implementation of the community-based health planning and services (CHPS) initiative in Ghana: qualitative evidence from two systems learning districts of the CHPS+ project. BMC Health Services Research20, 482 (2020). 

  1. Oh J, Kavanagh MM, Gottschalk K, Subramanian SV, Shibuya K, Hirschhorn LR, Alonso C, Torres I, Awoonor-Williams K, Hoang VM, Bawah A.A., Tran GH, Kachur SP, Sáenz R, Artaza O, Kwon S, Nam EW, Choi JW, Lee JK, McKee M, Gostin LO. (2020).Announcement of launching the JGHS commission on COVID-19 response.   Journal of Global Health Science. (Commentary) Jun;2(1):e20. 
  2. Asuming PO, Bawah A.A., Kanmiki EW, Phillips JF. 2020. Does expanding community-based primary health care coverage also address unmet need for family planning and improve program impact? Findings from a plausibility trial in northern Ghana.   Journal of Global Health Science June;2(1):e18. 
  3. Haykin LH, Francke JA, Abapale A, Yakubu I, Dambayi E, Jackson EA, Aborigo R, Nonterah EA, Oduro AR, Bawah A.A., Phillips JF, Heller DJ. (2020). Adapting a nurse-led primary care initiative to cardiovascular disease control in Ghana: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health  
  4. Kweku M, Amu H,1 Adjuik M, Manu E, Aku FY, Tarkang EE, Komesuor J, Asalu GA, Amuna NN,  

Boateng LA, Alornyo JS, Glover R, Bawah A.A., Letsa Timothy, Awoonor-Williams JK, Kachur SP, Phillips JF, Gyapong JO. 2020. Community Involvement and Perceptions of the Community-Based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) Strategy for Improving Health Outcomes in Ghana: Quantitative Comparative Evidence from Two System Learning Districts of the CHPS+ Project, Advances in Public Health, 

  1. Kalifa JW, Biney A, Kushitor M, Awoonor-Williams JK, Bawah AA, Phillips JF. (2020). Community perceptions of universal health coverage in eight districts of the Northern and Volta regions of Ghana, Global Health Action, 13:1 
  2. Sheff MC, Bawah AA, Asuming PO, Kyei P, Kushitor M, Phillips JF, Kachur P. (2020). Evaluating  

health service coverage in Ghana’s Volta Region using a modified Tanahashi model, Global Health Action, 13:1 

  1. Kweku M, Amu H, Awolu A, Adjuik M, Ayanore MA, Manu E, …, Bawah AA, et al. (2020) Community-Based Health Planning and Services Plus programme in Ghana: A qualitative study with stakeholders in two Systems Learning Districts on improving the implementation of primary health care. PLoS ONE 15(1): e0226808. 
  2. Nefa SA, Ibrahim AM, Mulushewa SS, Wonga MM, Lee HY, Siyum GA, Amentie MA, Chebo AF,  

Birhanu BG, Battle J, Hiluf MK, Kebedom AG, Gobezayehu AG, Robins A, Bawah A.A., Subramanian S, Oh J. (2019) Study design for the 2019 baseline survey of newly established longitudinal surveillance woredas as the field lab to serve child health improvement project of Benishangul-Gumuz region, Ethiopia.  Journal of Global Health Science 1(2):e51. 

  1. Edmund Wedam Kanmiki, E.W., Bawah, A.A., Akazili, J., Agorinyah, I., Awoonor-Williams,  

J.K., Phillips, J.F., & Kassak, K.M. (2019).Unawareness of health insurance expiration status among women of reproductive age in Northern Ghana: implications for achieving universal health coverage. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 38:34 

  1. Abubakar, W.S, Bawah, A.A., Nettey, O.E., Anane, E.A., Zandoh, C., et al. (2019). Potential  

gains in reproductive-aged life expectancy if maternal mortality were eradicated from the Kintampo districts of Central Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 19 (1): DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2515-0 

  1. Kushitor, M., Biney, A.A.E., Wright, K., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Bawah, A.A.  

(2019). A qualitative appraisal of stakeholders’ perspectives of a community-based primary health care program in rural Ghana. BMC Health Services Research 19(1): DOI:10.1186/s12913-019-4506-2 

  1. Agula, C., Mabe, F.N., Akudugu, M.A., Dittoh, S., Ayambila, S.N. & Bawah, A.A. (2019).  

Enhancing healthy ecosystems in northern Ghana through eco-friendly farm-based practices: insights from irrigation scheme-types. BMC Ecology 19 (1):38: DOI:10.1186/s12898-019-0254-8 

  1. Kanmiki, E.W., Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.F., Kachur, S.P., Asuming,  

P.O., Agula, C., & Akazili, J. (2019). Out-of-pocket payment for primary healthcare in the era of national health insurance: Evidence from northern Ghana. PLoS ONE 14(8):e0221146: DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0221146 

  1. Bawah, A.A., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Asuming, P.O., Jackson, E.F., Boyer, C.B., Kanmiki, E.W., et al. (2019). The child survival impact of the Ghana Essential Health Interventions Program: A health systems strengthening plausibility trial in Northern Ghana. PloS ONE 14(6): e0218025. 
  2. Bawah, A.A,, Phillips, J.F., Walega, P., Wak, G., Asuming, .P and Oduro, A.R. (2019). Does the provision of Community Health Services Offset the Effect of Poverty and Low Maternal Educational Attainment on Childhood Mortality? Evidence from the Navrongo Experiment in Northern Ghana.”  SS Population Health. 
  3. Bawah, A.A. (2019). Getting the right message out, at the right time, to the right  

audience.  Journal of Global Health Science. 

  1. Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P., Achana, F.S., Kanmiki, E.W., Awoonor-Williams, J.K. and Phillips, J.F.  

(2019). Contraceptive use Intentions and Unmet need for Family Planning among Reproductive aged Women in Northern Ghana BMC Reproductive Health.DOI: 10.1186/s12978-019-0693-x 

  1. Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2019). The Contribution of Demography to Achieving Health for All in  

Ghana. Applied Demography Newsletter. Vol. 31, No. 2   

  1. Kanmiki, E.W., Akazili, J., Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P., Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Oduro, A., & Aikins, M. (2019). Cost of implementing a community-based primary health care strengthening program: the case of the Ghana essential health intervention program in northern Ghana, PLoS ONE 14(2): e0211956. 
  2. Kanmiki, E.W., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., Kachur, S.P., Achana, S.F., Akazili, J & Bawah, A.A. (2019). Socio-economic and demographic disparities in ownership and use of insecticide-treated bed nets for preventing malaria among rural reproductive-aged women in northern Ghana. Plos One 
  3. Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2019). Scaling down to scale up: a strategy: a strategy for accelerating community-based Health Service in Ghana.” Journal of Global Heath Science. DOIx.php?id=10.0000/jghs.2019.1.e9  
  4. Chirawurah, D., Fishkin, J., Santuah, N., Siu, A., Bawah, A.A., Giles, K. & Kranjac-Berisavljevic, G. (2018). Deliberation for Development: Ghana’s First Deliberative Poll. Journal of 
    Public Deliberation, Vol 15, Issue 1 
  5. Kanmiki, E.W., Bempah, B.O.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.,  Bawah, A.A., d’Almeida, S.A. & Kassak, K.M. (2018). An assessment of a performance-based management agreement initiative in Ghana’s health service BMC Health Services Research. 
  6. Hedt-Gauthier, B, Airhihenbuwa, C.O., Bawah, A.A., Burke, K.S., Cherian, T., et al. (2018). Academic promotion policies and equity in global health collaborations. The Lancet. Vol.392, Number 10158. 
  7. Agyei-Mensah, S, Bawah, A.A. & Gyeabour, E.K. (2018). Challenges of monitoring and developing  

environmental policy in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of air pollution and biofuels in Ghana. Toxic News, European Research Council.  

  1. Phillips, J.F., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Bawah, A.A., Nimako, B.A., Kanlisi, N.S., Shelf, M.C.,  

Asuming, P.O., Kyei, P.E., Biney, A. & Jackson, E.F. (2018). What do you do with success? The science of scaling up a health system strengthening intervention in Ghana. BMC Health Services Research. 

  1. Kanmiki, E.M., Bawah, A.A., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.  & Kassak, K. (2018). Moving  

towards universal health coverage: an assessment of unawareness of health insurance coverage status among reproductive-age women in rural northern Ghana LANCET Global Health, Volume 6, Supplement 2. 

  1. Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F. & Bawah, A.A. (2017). The application of embedded implementation science to developing community-based primary health care in Ghana. International Journal for Population, Development and Reproductive Health 1(1): 66-81. 
  2. Rwabukwisi, F.C., Bawah, A.A., Gimbel, S., Phillips, J.F., Mutale, W., Drobac, P., & AHI PHIT  

Partnership Collaborative. (2017). Health system strengthening: a qualitative evaluation of implementation experience and lessons learned across five African countries. BMC Health Services Research, 17 (Suppl 3):826 

  1. Sherr, K., Fernandes, Q., Kanté, A.M., Bawah, A.A., Condo, J., Mutale, W. & AHI PHIT Partnership 

Collaborative. (2017). Measuring health systems strength and its impact: experiences from the African Health Initiative. BMC Health Services Research, 17(Suppl 3):827 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2658-5 

  1. Hedt-Gauthier, B.L., Chilengi, R., Jackson, E., Michel, C., Napua, M., Odhiambo, J., Bawah, A.A., & AHI PHIT Partnership Collaborative. 2017. “Research capacity building integrated into PHIT projects: leveraging research and research funding to build national capacity.” BMC Health Services Research , 17(Suppl 3):825 DOI 10.1186/s12913-017-2657-6 
  2. Bawah, A.A., Asuming, P., Debpuur, C. & Phillips, J.F. (2016). Child Wanted and When? Fertility Intentions, Wantedness and Child Survival in Rural Northern Ghana: Evidence  

from Longitudinal Surveillance Data. Studies in Family Planning, Volume 47 (3):  
252–263(DOI: 10.1111/sifp.67) 

  1. Bawah, A.A., Houle, B., Alam, N., Razzaque, A., Streatfield, P.K., Debpuur, C., et al. (2016). The  

Evolving Demographic and Health Transition in Four Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from Four Sites in the INDEPTH Network of Longitudinal Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157281. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0157281 

  1. Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Schmitt, M.L., Tiah, J., Ndago. J., Asuro, R., Bawah, A.A. & Phillips, J.F.  

(2016). A qualitative appraisal of stakeholder reactions to a tool for the burden of disease-based health system budgeting in Ghana. Global Health Action, 9: 30448 - 

  1. Jackson, E.F., Bawah, A.A., Williams, J.E, & Phillips. J.F. (2016). Respondents’ Exposure to  

Community-based Services and Reported Fertility-Regulation Behavior: A Decade of Data from the Navrongo Community Health and Family Planning Project Studies in Family Planning, 47(1): 55-66 

  1. Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., & Bawah, A.A. (2015). Catalyzing the scale-up of community-based primary healthcare in a rural impoverished region of northern Ghana. International Journal of Health Management and Planning: DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2304  
  2. Boyer, C., Jackson, E., Bawah, A.A., Schmitt, M., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., & Phillips, J.F. (2015).  

Estimating indices of health system readiness: an example from rural northern Ghana. The Lancet Global Health, (S14). doi: 

  1. Achana, F.S., Bawah, A.A., Jackson, E.F., Welaga, P., Awine, T., Asuo-Mante, M., Oduro, A.R.,  

Awoonor-Williams, J.K. & Phillips, J. F. (2015). “Spatial and Socio-demographic determinants of contraceptive use in the Upper East region of Ghana” Reproductive Health, BMC: First published online: 12:29 (2 April 2015) 

  1. Akazili, J., Welaga, P, Bawah, A.A., Achana, F.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Phillips, J.F., Williams, J., Aikins, M. & Oduro, A. (2014). Ghana’s Health Insurance Scheme: Is it really a pro-poor?” scheme? Evidence from northern Ghana. BMC Health Services Research, 14:637  
  2. Bawah A.A., Welaga, P., Azongo, K.D., Wak, G., Phillips, J.F. & Oduro, A. (2014). Road Traffic Fatalities – a neglected epidemic in rural northern Ghana: evidence from the Navrongo Demographic Surveillance System. Injury Epidemiology, 1:22  
  3. Kanmiki, E.K, Bawah, A.A., Agorinya, I., Achana, F.S., Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Oduro, A.R., Phillips J.F., & Akazili, J. (2014). Socio-economic and demographic determinants of Under-five mortality in rural northern Ghana. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 14:24  
  4. Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.F., Asuming, P.O., Bangha, M. & Vaughan-Smith., M. (2013). Does the 

Contribution of Women to Household Expenditure Explain Contraceptive Use? An Assessment of the Relevance of Bargaining Theory to Africa, African Population Studies 27 (2).  

  1. Hirschhorn, L.R., Baynes, B., Sherr, K., Chintu, N., Awoonor-Williams, J.K.,  Finnegan, K., Philips,  

J.F., Anatole, M.,  Bawah, A.A. & Basinga, P. (2013). Approaches to ensuring and improving quality in the context of health system strengthening: a cross-site analysis of the five African Health Initiative Partnership programs.  BMC Health Services Research, 13(Suppl 2):S8. 

  1. Awoonor-Williams, J.K., Bawah, A.A., Nyonator, F.K., Asuru, R., Oduro, A., Ofosu, A & Phillips, J.F. (2013). The Ghana essential health interventions program: a plausibility trial of the impact of health systems strengthening on maternal & child survival BMC Health Services Research, 13 (Suppl 2):S3. 
  2. Phillips, J.F., Jackson, E.J., Bawah, A.A., MacLeod, B., Adongo, B., Baynes, C &  J. Williams. 2012. “The Long-term Fertility Impact of the Navrongo Project in Northern Ghana”, Studies in Family Planning, 43(3): 175–190. 
  3. Oduro, R.A., Wak, G., Azongo, D., Debpuur, C., Wontuo, P., Kondayire, F., Welaga, P., Bawah, A.A., Nazzar, A., Williams, J., Hodgson, A. & Binka, F.N. (2012). Profile of the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41:968–976. 
  4. Bangha, M., Diagne, A., Bawah, A.A., & Sankoh, O. (2010). Monitoring the millennium development goals: The potential role of the INDEPTH Network. Global Health Action. 3 (5517). 
  5. Kowal, P., Kahn, K., Nawi, Ng., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A., et al. (2010). Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action Supplement 2, 2010. DOI: 10.3402/gha.v3i0.5302. 
  6. Khan, P.K., Nawi, Ng., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A., Binka, F.N., Chuc, N.T., Debpuur C., Ezeh, A., et al. (2010). Ageing and adult health status in eight lower-income countries: the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE collaboration. Global Health Action. Supplement 2: 11-22 
  7. Nawi, Ng., Paul, K., Khan, K., Naidoo, N., Abdullah, S., Bawah, A.A., Binka, F.N., Chuc, N.T., Debpuur C., Egondi, T., et al. (2010). Health inequities among older men and women in Africa and Asia: Evidence from eight health and demographic surveillance system sites in the INDEPTH WHO-SAGE study”.  Global Health Action. Supplement 2: 96-107 
  8. Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.F., Adjuik, M.A., Binka, F.N., MacLeod, B.B., & Vaughan-Smith, M.N. (2010). Immunizations, poverty and child survival in Kassena-Nankana District of northern Ghana. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 38: 95–103. 
  9. Bawah, A.A. & Binka, F.N. (2007). How many years of life could be saved if malaria were eliminated from a hyperendemic area of northern Ghana? American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 77 (Supplement 6), 145-152. 
  10. Binka, F.N., Bawah, A.A., Phillips, J.P., Hodgson, A., Adjuik, M.A. & Macleod, B.B. (2007). Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in northern Ghana. Tropical Medicine and International Health, vol 12, 5: 578-583. 
  11. Baiden, F., Bawah, A.A., Biai, S., Binka, F.N., Boerma, T., et al. (2007). Setting international standards for verbal autopsy. Bulletin of World Health Organization, 85: 570-571. 
  12. AbouZahr, C., Cleland, J., Coullare, F., Macfarlane, S.B.,Notzon, F.C., Setel, P., Szreter, S.,Anderson, R.N., Bawah, A.A., Betrán, A.P., Binka, F.N. et al. (2007). The Way Forward.  Lancet, 29: 370 (9601):1791-9.  
  13. Phillips, J.F., Bawah, A.A., & Binka. F.N. (2006). Accelerating national reproductive and child health program implementation with research: The Navrongo experiment in Ghana. Bulletin of World Health Organization, 84: 949-955. 
  14. Baiden, F.A., Hodgson, A., Adjuik, M.A., Bawah, A.A. & Binka, F.N. (2006). Trend and causes of neonatal mortality in the Kassena–Nankana district of northern Ghana, 1995–2002. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 11(4): 532-539. 
  15. Bawah, A.A. & Zuberi, T. (2005). Socioeconomic status and child mortality in southern Africa. Genus, vol. LXI, 1-2. 
  16. Noumbissi, A, Bawah, A.A. & Zuberi, T. (2005). Parental survival and residential patterns in South Africa: In: The Demography of South Africa, edited by (eds) Zuberi, T., Sibanda, A. and Udjo, E, M.E Sharpe Publications, New York. 
  17. Bawah, A.A. & Zuberi, T. (2004). Socioeconomic status and child mortality: An illustration using housing and household characteristics from African census data. African Population Studies, Supplement B (Population and Health Issues in Africa), vol. 19: 9-29. 
  18. Zuberi, T., Sibanda, A., Bawah, A.A. & A, Noumbissi. (2003). Population and African society. Annual Reviews of Sociology, 29:465-85. 
  19. Bawah, A.A. (2002). Spousal communication and family planning behavior in Navrongo: A longitudinal assessment. Studies in Family Planning, 33(2): 185–194 
  20. Debpuur, C. & Bawah, A A. (2002). Are reproductive preferences stable? Evidence from rural northern Ghana. Genus, LVIII: (2):63-89. 
  21. Ngom, P., Akweongo, P., Adongo, P., Bawah, A.A., and Binka, F.N. (1999). Maternal mortality among the Kasena-Nankana of northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning, 30(2):142-147 
  22. Bawah A.A., Akweongo, P., Phillip, J.P. & Simmons, R. (1999). Women’s fears and men’s anxieties: The impact of family planning on gender relations in northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning, 30(1): 54-66 


Mathematical Demography (POPS 618); Advanced Population Analysis (POPS 606); Computer-Aided Population Analysis (POPS 701)  

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